On the climbing frame, Winchester
Originally uploaded by Mike Reed of Surrey.
Visiting Granny Shirley, home at last with her new heart.
Visiting Granny Shirley, home at last with her new heart.
For when the baby won't sleep and there's a ton of work to be done.
Sue, something tells me we both got to the end of today without a shot...
Lauren and Dominic pop round to christen the kitchen.
24 hours' steady broadband, and a phone too. And it only took BT 12 days to sort out.
Dorking SOS celebrate vanquishing Sainsbury's by displaying my posters in the local press. (The posters say 'Will our super market town become just another supermarket town?' Pure gold.)
As BT continue to confirm their reputation, I take up temporary residence among the higher echelons of Team Eric Clapton. (Thanks to Michael Eaton for the office.)
BT cannot fulfil even the most basic elements of their offer, apparently. Thank heavens for Orange.
Hasten to add that the cup isn't mine (filthy Converse are)