
This blog is a photo-diary of 2007, created by Sue Rogers and David Hughes, both graphic designers, and Mike Reed, copywriter. We're all in the UK, based in various parts of South London and Surrey. Since March, we've also been enjoying occasional exotic contributions from Clare Goff, who's shaming us all by doing VSO work in Cambodia. And in May, fellow graphic designer Piers Rutterford joined in too. As well as the blog, you can see a slideshow of all our shots (except Clare's), albeit without the explanatory remarks that sometimes make sense of them.

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Good drying day today

Jan 9
Originally uploaded by Mike Reed of Surrey.

People in the flats by Cotmandene - a piece of common land behind our house - are allowed to dry their laundry on the hill. If they can keep it on the lines.

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